The U.S.
Justice Department under the Obama administration has decided to
drop its appeal of a federal judge's ruling that 1st Lt. Ehren Watada
cannot face a second court-martial resulting from his high-profile 2006
refusal to go to Iraq with his Fort Lewis brigade.
5 May 2009 |
Watada won't be retried on 3 of 5 counts.
Citing the constitutional protections against being tried twice for the
same crime, a federal judge on Tuesday ruled that 1st Lt. Ehren Watada
cannot face a second court-martial on three of five counts resulting
from his high-profile 2006 refusal to deploy to Iraq with a Fort Lewis
brigade. 22 October
2008 |
Court-Martial of Watada Might Not Come:
District Judge Benjamin Settle on Thursday imposed a preliminary
injunction to temporarily bar the Army from trying Watada a second time
while saying the officer likely will prevail on the merits of his
pending case.
November 2007 |
A win in U.S. District Court For LT. Ehren Watada:
What we seek: 1. Stop the Army from putting Lt.
Watada on trial again. 2. Drop all charges against
Lt. Watada. 3 Release Lt. Watada from the Army
and grant him an honorable discharge.
8 November 2007 |
In Los Angeles
the Vigil to Protest Second Court-Martial of Lt. Watada
will take place again
on Monday, Oct. 15, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
and every Monday until further notice at the corner of Alameda
and First Streets in Little Tokyo.15
October 2007 |
Watada's Double
American can be tried twice for the same offense ... It is the
absolute responsibility of everybody in uniform to disobey an
order that is either illegal or immoral.
12 October
2007 |
Benjamin Settle
stayed the Watada trial from beginning on Tuesday,
October 9 and set a hearing for Friday, October 19. His ruling
also states that the trial cannot begin until at least October
26. The bigger question is whether it will ever happen at all.
Now there is no chance that this case is going to escape strict
international scrutiny. None.
6 October 2007 |
Listen to Ehren Watada's lawyer
in preparation for trial,
2 October
2007 |
Alert from Carolyn Ho and Mike Wong, Vietnam war refuser
and Watada supporter,
29 September |
court-martial halted by
double-jeopardy argument. Seattle
19 May 2007 |
Victory in Lt. Ehren Watada court-martial!
If I am guilty of any crime, it is that I
learned too much and cared too deeply for
the meaningless loss of my fellow soldiers
and my fellow human beings. Lt.
Ehren Watada
1 March 2007 |
Messages of
support from
Rosie O'Donnell and
Stephen Funk |
Audio report of Lt. Watada's
Listen to Margaret Prescot, Women of Color
in the Global Women's Strike, and Eric
Gjertsen, Payday men's network.
here |
Refusing to join the killing
Ann Douglas of the Morning Star reports on
Britain's part in the global solidarity
campaign for US military refusenik
Lieutenant Ehren Watada
6 February 2007 |
1,000 rally for Lt. Watada at Fort Lewis
during court martial
As Lt. Watada’s mother Carolyn Ho
entered the legal building at 8:30 am,
dozens of supporters, lined up across the
street, erupted into cheers. This is
probably not something that happens on Fort
Lewis often
6 February 2007 |
Judge refuses to consider legality of Iraq
On January 16th, a Fort Lewis military court
ruled that Lt. Ehren Watada cannot present
defense arguments relating to the legality
of the Iraq War.
17 January 2007 |
Payday model letter of support.
Lt. Watada’s refusal speaks for millions.
Poll after poll around the world, including
in the US, have shown public rejection of
the war and the occupation of Iraq.
9 January 2007 |
National Day of Action 5 February 2007 -
Lt. Watada Military Court Martial
"Help us mobilize the local, national, and
international community through your personal,
professional, religious and other networks."
Carolyn Ho
9 January 2007 |
Military injustice
There is no
security interest at stake, and no matter of
national urgency. The Army can make its case
against Watada without pestering civilian
journalists. Sustaining the military
subpoena would set a troubling precedent.
It's time for the Army to back off.
8 January 2007 |
Summary of pre-trial hearing - 4 January
The day began under dark
clouds as over 100 supporters of Lt. Watada
began to gather for a rally and vigil at a
freeway overpass near an entrance gate to
Fort Lewis.
5 January 2007 |
A Mother Fights for a Soldier Who Said No to
War, Washington Post article
Phoebe Jones of Global Women's Strike, an
international antiwar network that supports
Ho and Watada, was at Ho's side on Capitol
Hill. "The work of mothers is protecting
life, beginning with their children," Jones
explained. "And that is really the opposite
of the obscenity of war."
4 January 2007; |
A Mother’s
Voice vs War -
East Coast Tour of Carolyn
The tour provided a
platform for this mother who, like so many
mothers, aunts and sisters, have campaigned
tirelessly behind the scenes for war
6 December 2006 |
Jonathan Hutto
solidarity statement
with Lt Watada for Dec 2 The Appeal
for Redress stands in solidarity with all
those who resist the current occupation of
Iraq, the mass murder of the Iraqi people,
the harm and destruction done to American
service members and their families and the
ill use of American tax dollars which is
diverted from much needed social programs on
the home-front.
2 December 2006 |
Carolyn Ho, the mother of Lt. Ehren
Watada – the first commissioned US Army
officer to refuse to serve in Iraq – will be
speaking across the Northeast and Midwest in
support of her son.
16 November
2005 |
Carolyn Ho supports Michael Berg for
Congress Despite the
tragic death of his son, Nicholas, at
the hands of his Iraqi captors, Michael has
traversed the path of indescribable grief
and transmuted his pain into forgiveness and
the quest for peace. He stands for an
alternative to war. Give peace and
diplomacy a chance. Vote Michael Berg
for Congress. 6 Nov 2006 |
Carolyn Ho, mother of first commissioned Army
officer to refuse to go to Iraq,
in Philadelphia 1 Nov 2006 |
Carolyn Ho's letter to her sisters in spirit
a mother, I experienced shock, dismay and
untold grief for him and his future. “What
would it be like to be a stranger in one’s
own country, to be vilified, hated, and
31 October 2006 |
Lieutenant Watada Faces New Charges.
wholesale slaughter and mistreatment of the
Iraqi people with only limited accountability is
not only a terrible moral injustice, but a
contradiction to the Army's own Law of Land
18 september 2006 |
Watada hearing succeeds in placing war on trial
“This case is really about
the duty of individual soldiers to look at the facts
and fulfill their obligation to national and
international law,”
August 2006 |
Lt. Watada addresses national veterans convention
Today, I speak with you about a
radical idea. It is one born from the very concept
of the American soldier (or service member). It
became instrumental in ending the Vietnam War - but
it has been long since forgotten. The idea is this:
that to stop an illegal and unjust war, the soldiers
can choose to stop fighting it.
August 2006 |
Officer Faces Court-Martial for Refusing to Deploy
to Iraq
New York Times:
"if other officers followed suit, it would be nearly
impossible to run the military".
July 23, 2006 |
Vigil in
support of Lt. Ehren Watada and Suzanne Swift
on the steps of St Martin-in-the-Fields
12 July 2006,
5.30-7pm., Trafalgar Square, London |
28 June 2006 |
A Brief History of Military Resistance
The public refusals here at Fort
Lewis (Washington) of Army 1st Lt. Ehren Watada, Sgt.
Kevin Benderman and Spc. Suzanne Swift to deploy to Iraq
are the most recent chapter of a long and noble history
of resistance within the U.S. armed forces.
28 June 2006 |
A letter from Ehren's mom
As a
mother, I have evolved from fearing for his safety and for
his future to the realization that there is a higher purpose
to all that has transpired. My son no longer stands at the
crossroads. He has chosen “the road less traveled.” Come
what may, he is committed to staying the course.
International Day of Action in support
of Lt Watada
Tuesday June 27,
– 1pm
Leafleting at
National Constitution Center,
Market St. between 5th & 6th St.,
Protest in Philadelphia called by Payday (for info or to
endorse, call 215-848-1120)
Payday's call in support of the Day of Action --
including model letter to US Embassies:
number of young men and women signing up for the military
(particularly people of color) is at an historic low despite
the pressure of the “poverty draft”. In the UK, which
has the second largest contingent in Iraq, the number of
deserters has tripled since the invasion. |
JUNE 27 "National Day of Action" To Stand With Lt. Watada! |
Lt. Watada refused Iraq deployment today; under
complete restriction and gag-order without charge. |
An interview with Lt. Ehren Watada
The deciding moment for me was in January of 2006. I had
watched clips of military funerals. I saw the photos of
these families. The children. The mothers and the fathers as
they sat by the grave, or as they came out of the funerals.
One really hard picture for me was a little boy leaving his
father's funeral. He couldn't face the camera so he is
covering his eyes. I felt like I couldn't watch that
anymore. I couldn't be silent any more and condone something
that I felt was deeply wrong.
07 June 2006 |
Statement from Payday in support of First Lt. Ehren Watada
In defending Ehren, we are defending ourselves and our sisters
and brothers in every country against the devastation brought on
by Bush’s “endless wars” and the billions of dollars stolen
especially from those of us with least to pay for it.
07 June 2006 |
Intial Call to Support Lt. Ehren
“I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to watch
families torn apart, while the President tells us to “stay the
course.” … I refuse to be party to an illegal and immoral war
against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression.
I wanted to be there for my fellow troops. But the best
way was not to help drop artillery and cause more death and
destruction. It is to help oppose this war and end it so
that all soldiers can come home.” - U.S. Army Lt. Ehren
06 June 2006 |