Venezuela to offer asylum for American
military deserters fleeing illegal wars.
The South American nation will become the first to offer sanctuary and
asylum to American Military Soldiers fleeing the internationally condemned
United States and illegal war in Iraq.
7 July 2006 |
to offer asylum
for American military deserters fleeing
illegal wars.
The South American nation will become the first to offer sanctuary
and asylum to American Military Soldiers fleeing the
internationally condemned United States and illegal war in Iraq.
7 July 2006 |
venezolanos: Peculiaridades
que determinan su compromiso junto al pueblo
Hay quienes rechazan el
proceso revolucionario bolivariano por tener a un líder militar y por el
destacado papel de los militares en muchas instituciones del Estado y
planes del gobierno y esto ocurre porque suelen entender que los militares
forman parte del cuerpo represivo del Estado burgués, que están
permeados por la ideología burguesa, que no tienen salvación. ¿No será
esta una visión muy mecanicista? 1
de abril 2003 |
on the military
"After the February 27
massacre, for instance, to go to a poor neighbourhood a soldier had
to dress as a civilian. He was taking a risk, because the people
knew that the militaries were those who had massacred them. Today,
when a soldier shows up people greet him with enthusiasm and
happiness." July 2002 |