<<<June 2003

30 May 2003    » UK soldiers to sue  » US gives up on deserters  » US losing soldiers

» Four UK soldiers involved in Iraq war to sue government over vaccinations

» Their symptoms are similar to those suffered by First Gulf War veterans in 1991.  "Of the four soldiers who may take legal action against the Ministry of Defence, two did not even go to Iraq because they suffered such bad reactions to the multiple vaccinations.” Read here.
See our News & Update of 16 and 17 March to learn how soldiers sent to Iraq this year were pressed to have vaccinations.
» This follows recent victory by a “British soldier who won a landmark Gulf War Syndrome case after a tribunal ruled that a cocktail of drugs given to him in 1991 should be blamed for his illness.”  Read here.

Soldiers are used as guinea pigs to test vaccine
 and end up terribly ill.

» US Army Gives Up on Deserters

A very well kept secret is that the US Army is no longer pursuing, or punishing deserters from their ranks who are refusing to be paid killers.  Only penalty: a dishonourable discharge.  Some 3,500 annually are going AWOL. In essence they are reducing the army to a job like any other, which you can apply for, hire into, and quit when you like.  It’s driving the “gung-ho” types crazy! Read all about it here.

» US Losing Soldiers at Rate of 1 per day

The US military is losing soldiers at the rate of one per day since President of the American Empire Bush declared Iraq conquered.   And rather than reduce the number of US soldiers on the ground, the US Government has increased its numbers since declaring victory by some 15,000.  Read about how they are dying and what the impact is on their families here.

29 May 2003   » Stephen Funk charged with desertion, help needed
» Request for financial support for Stephen Funk, a courageous young man who stood up to the United States military and said: I will not participate in your war in Iraq, I am a Conscientious Objector to war.  Read more here.
22 May 2003  » Stephen Funk » US Gov't leads the killing at home  » CO takes refuge
» Stephen Funk’s letter for 15 May Conscientious Objector Day  “ I have been in touch with refusniks from Israel, Greece, Palestine, and others worldwide. Unfortunately as the only public American war resister, the US military plans on making an example out of me. But even so my case pales in comparison to some of the things being brought against international refusniks.” Read full letter here.
Ralph Padula, a member of the military police, was forced to take refuge and claim sanctuary in a Texas church when his unit was deployed to the battlefield of Iraq.  Whose side was God on? See article here.
» US Prison population, death row inmates and executions hit all time highs as per capita numbers exceed all other countries. It shows that 12% of black men in their 20s and early 30s-more are in jail or prison. No wonder black people are also over represented in the US military.  And some claim they are being put to death as a result of Gulf War Syndrome. . . On March 19, on the eve of the attack on Iraq, Louis Jones, a veteran of the 1991 Gulf War was put to death. His lawyers argued that he suffered from Gulf War Syndrome, which made him violent and drove him to rape and murder a young servicewoman.  See article here.
15 May 2003    » More US CO's Going Public
  » While hundreds of conscientious objectors are emerging from the war in Iraq, at least twelve U.S. military personnel (active-duty or reserve) and three U.K. military personnel have publicly opposed the war.
» Todd Arena, Jonathan Hustad, Travis Burnham, Travis Clark, Stephen Eagle Funk, Gabriel Johnson, Ghanim Khalil, Jon McLeod, Ralph Padula, Michael Sudbury, Jeremy W. Suggs, Wilfredo Torres  Get their individual stories at:  http://dave94606.home.igc.org/resisters.html
» Photo: Ghanim Khalil, 26, American citizen of Pakistani/Kashmiri descent and supply specialist with the Army National Guard: "I have objections to this war. I believe that this war is for material gain.
  10 May » Stephen Funk update    »  Swiss soldiers against the G8
» The military has sent Stephen to New Orleans. He is stationed with a unit of CO's while they process his application. 
» He faces three interviews: with a chaplain, a psychiatrist and an investigating officer who makes every effort to find fault in your story.  There is a 10% approval rate for this application. 
» You have to say that you would never kill anyone in any situation. They always raise if you would fight against Hitler and you have to say no. 
» At any point, they could decide to prosecute Stephen as he did not appear for an assignment.  They would charge him with a criminal act which would stop the CO process and the whole case would be moved into a military court.
» Kalin Funk (Stephen's sister) who works with the Uhuru Movement, (African People's Solidarity Movement) talked about how her family is doing support work in several cities around the country.  She said how the military lies to kids to get them to join, and that  Stephen  applied for CO status because he really disagrees morally with killing anyone. 
» Stephen’s case has received international coverage in over 150 publications.

Source: Report of the Forum by Out Against the War Coalition and Stephen Funk's case, San Francisco 25 April 2003, by Lori Nairne (Wages Due Lesbians)

For Payday's letter to Stephen Funk click here

For the latest news join the listserve for his support group: StephenFunk_legal_defense@yahoogroups.com

Donations to Stephen's legal defense fund (checks payable to "Stephen Funk Legal Defense Fund") can be sent to: 
The Stephen Funk Legal Defense Fund
PO Box 111, 
1230 Market St

San Francisco, CA 94102, USA
Stephen Funk, his mother behind him. About him joining the Forces, he said: “My mum had a gut feeling that it wouldn’t work out”.

Swiss soldiers against the G8

A committee of Swiss soldiers has issued a statement in four languages refusing to limit civil liberties or defend the G8 Summit of “Rich” governments as they make their plans for the rest of us. Their site: http://www.g8verweigerung.ch.vu/index_fr.htmlRead their statement in English here

8 May 2003     »CO sent to Iraq»

Conscientious objector seeker sent to Iraqi war zone

Specialist Gabriel I. Johnson, 27 of Killeen, TX, assigned to the104th Military Intelligence Btln of the 4th Infantry Division at Ft Hood, TX was shipped to the Iraqi war zone early this morning (April 7, 2003) despite his request to be discharged as a Conscientious Objector.  Army Regulations provide that soldiers who claim to be COs are to be assigned to military duties which "minimally conflict with their stated beliefs" . They are to be kept in this status until the review of their claim is completed.

Tod Ensign, attorney for Specialist Johnson and Director, Citizen Soldier, commented; "The Army is violating its own rules by sending Gabe into a war zone. His CO claim can't be judged fairly by commanders in the heat of battle."  Rachel Pundsac, Johnson's sister, of Madison, WI reports that when her brother sought information from his commanders about filing a CO claim he was given inaccurate information and restricted to his barracks as a way of isolating him.

Letters of inquiry should be sent to:
LT GEN. Thomas F. Metz, Commanding General, III Corps
Ft Hood, TX  76544, USA   (254) 287-7206 

Source: National Office, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Inc.
PO Box 408594, Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 327-5756
e-mail: vvaw@prairienet.org, http://www.vvaw.org
23 April 2003    » Hundreds of US COs    » Write to the refuseniks!

How many are refusing to fight in Iraq?

»  “Although only a handful of them have gone public, at least several hundred U.S. soldiers have applied for conscientious objector (CO) status since January”, says the Center on Conscience and War.  And this does not account for many many others. Read here.”

Gay marine Stephen Funk.  Some people from Yesh Gvul - a group of Israeli  refuseniks have pledged their support to Stephen.

Supporters attending the Global Women’s Strike Open Mic and picket send their messages of support.

 » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » 

To send your message to Stephen Funk click here, or to British conscientious objectors click here and remember to send us a copy payday@paydaynet.org.

Dear Stephen

» You provide inspiration. You help to knock people out of their horror and their stupor and their fear of feeling and acting, and you remind them they can too. Thank you! Suzanne   
Thank you for your attitude. It’s really reflecting your human and honest consciousness. We are Iraqis and appreciate your decision not to fight an immoral war.  Nawal and Clair

»  Isn’t life strange? Isn’t death even stranger? We shoved seek the fullness of life, not the emptiness of death. So you’ve got orders. But you were born under the orders of life. Be brave. Resist the orders to kill. I hope you have a good life. Danny

» I can understand how you feel. I was in the last Gulf war. My rank was RMS, Section Commander. Good luck. From an ex-RMS Edwin.

To the British soldiers who refused to kill civilians in Iraq…

» You did the right thing. You refused to take part in an illegal war and I am proud of you. The trials of Nuremberg in 1946 set a precedent that “obeying illegal orders is not an excuse for war crimes”. Be strong, justice will triumph and you will be a hero. Douglas

Read more messages here

16 April 2003   » Contact British refuseniks     » US army’s sexism and racism

» Contact British soldiers sent home for refusing to kill innocent people in Iraq


“According to The Sunday Times, they face possible court martial and up to two years imprisonment. Gilbert Blades, a Lincoln-based lawyer, said the Ministry of Defense was trying to hush up the cases because it feared a public relations disaster.”


The soldiers do not want their names published but you can write to them at:

c/o Gilbert Blades 

Wilkin Chapman Epton & Blades

Bank Street

Lincoln LN2 1DR

Source:  http://www.stopwar.org.uk/article.asp?id=040403


Also see 30 March below and go to other texts here

U  S     M  I  L  I  T  A  R  Y
 » SEXUAL HARASSMENT . . . “More than 67,000 women veterans, or as much as 29 % of those served at Veterans Affairs clinics in recent years, say they experienced sexual assault in the military” (and this is just the tip of the iceberg, see here.)
» . . . AND RACISM
“Native American soldiers and marines over there in Iraq, along with every one of the Black and Hispanic troopers who, put together, make up sixty percent of the U.S. military's front line, should be asking themselves, "Why are we doing the white man's dirty work?" and "Why are we serving the empire that stole our homelands and massacred our people?" (Interview with Gerald Taiaiake Alfred, Native American ex marine here).

13 April 2003  » US conscientious objector is gay   » Martin Luther King   » feedback

Marine Corps reservist Stephen Funk, second from left, with his mother, Gloria Pacis, left, turns himself in at his reserve unit in San Jose, Calif., Tuesday April 1, 2003. The 20-year-old Marine reservist who got called to active duty refuses to serve in the Iraqi conflict, claiming conscientous objector status.(AP Photo/Eric Risberg) . 

»  Lesbians and gays against the military, read here.
»  Article on the Central Committee of Conscientious Objectors website where this photo was taken from.

“My moral development has also been largely effected by the fact that I'm homosexual.” says Stephen.  Read here.

»  What will happen to him? “Capt. Patrick O'Rourke, said he would “be required to serve a form of restricted duty at the center, but he will be allowed to go home at the end of each day, while officials determined how he should be punished for failing to report for duty when his reserve company was given activation orders last month.” Military authorities will also consider Funk's application for a conscientious objector discharge.

» Letters of support to:
or c/o Stephen's attorney:
Stephen Funk
c/o Steve Collier
PO Box 423240
San Francisco, CA 94142, USA



"As we counsel young men concerning military service we must clarify for them our nation's role in Vietnam and challenge them with the alternative of conscientious objection. I am pleased to say that this is the path now being chosen by more than seventy students at my own alma mater, Morehouse College, and I recommend it to all who find the American course in Vietnam a  dishonorable and unjust one". Meeting in New York City, April 4, 1967.  Read the whole speech here 


»  Thanks for letting me know about your excellent website.  I've linked it in our www.People4Peace.net & www.WeWantPeaceOnEarth.com Links sections under No More War.  Bob
Now Available: We Want Peace On Earth CD
12 songs of peace by 12 Independent Artists
Retail: $15 / $10 online   Share with friends - $55 for 10 CDs
»  Would you put me on your email list, you give me hope.  PEACE LK

»  there were 200,000 US conscientious objectors during the Vietnam war?
»  George W. Bush was a deserter and went AWOL? Check details here.
»  in 2003, only one member of the US Congress has a child who is an enlisted soldier?
1 April 2003    » First US conscientious objector  in Iraq
» The first American conscientious deserter from the Iraq war will give himself up at a marine base in California this morning. He said he believed the war was "immoral because of the deception involved by our leaders".  See more
30 March 2003   » British refusniks    » protests at military bases

Demonstration 8 march 2003                                               Sky News
Sunday Mirror (UK) 30 March 2003
By Vincent Moss
A PAIR of British soldiers in the Gulf face up to two years' jail after refusing to fight. The duo - believed to be a private and an air technician - told officers they would not take part in a war in which innocent civilians were killed.
The two men from 16 Air Assault Brigade - heavily involved in the battles in the south of Iraq - are believed to have been sent back to their barracks in Colchester, Essex. A third serviceman faces court martial after refusing to travel to the Gulf.
Others are believed to have refused on religious grounds.  See more


A weekend of protest, nonviolent action and civil disobedience at military bases throughout the UK. So far actions are planned for:

Fylingdales, Sat. 5th
web: www.freefylingdalesnetwork.co.uk  
e: neil_bye@hotmail.com, tel: 01287 660067.
Devonport (Plymouth), Sat. 5th
Plymouth Stop the War Coalition
tel. 01752 227 033 (Mat)
RAF Stafford, Sat. 5th
Stafford Peace Council, tel. 0845 3303877 / 07960 030038
Portsmouth Naval Base, Sun. 6th
USAF Fairford, Sun. 6th
Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors 
web: http://www.gwi.org.uk and e: info@gwi.org.uk
Northwood Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ) in London, Sunday 6th: 
the D10 group, tel. 07887 585 721 or 
e: info@thed10group.org.uk, web: www.thed10group.org.uk. There will also be an nonviolent direct action training workshop and legal briefing on the Saturday (5th).
Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment: Aldermaston Women's Peace Campaign 
web: http://www.aldermaston.net tel: 07904 450 307.
USAF Lakenheath: Lakenheath action group, 
web: http://www.lakenheathaction.org


April 5th will be an International Day of Protest taking action from the streets to the military bases at the heart of the war machine. Fylingdales is your local base. Join us on

Excerpt from http://www.freefylingdalesnetwork.co.uk

19 March 2003    » refusal to arrest  »  illegal war  »  aggressive police

»  Last night on NBC-10 news, they interviewed Philadelphia Police Commissioner Johnson about the traffic-blocking that shut down Center City yesterday from 4:30 to 6:30. He stated, on air, that nonviolent, non-destructive protesters blocking traffic WOULD NOT BE ARRESTED. He said this was because traffic-blockers were arrested during the 2000 Republican National Convention, and the arrests were thrown out of court (not to mention the city got sued over the arrests). Obviously, this is no guarantee, but it should make people more willing to step into the streets...  Ivan from PRAWN (anti-war coalition) 

photo NBC-10 -TV

»  Women from the Global Women’s Strike in Ireland organise a picket in front of army barracks in Galway. With the police, they discuss the illegality of the war. See report.

»  Women attending the Global Women's Strike Picket & Open Mic in front of Parliament in London are harassed by police. Their PA system is confiscated by over a dozen officers wearing bullet-proof vests. Apparently, the sound was too loud for the MPs to work… Strange, since the day before, the same system was used even nearer Parliament. That night, at one point, police were trying to shut down women protesters, pushing them around and breaking a banner pole. They arrested a man because he was chanting: ”The police are taking the peace…”  see more

17 March 2003    » dangerous vaccine » US/UK soldiers cut off

»  Are the troops being used as guinea pigs to test drugs? The Daily Mirror (UK) confirmed that “troops risk ill-health if they take an anti-anthrax vaccine (…) it contains squalene, a banned substance linked to arthritis, nerve and skin damage. Squalene hasn’t been approved for use in drugs and has never been included in the UK licensed anthrax vaccine.”  

»  Seems that the commanders are trying to isolate the troops from their families and communities as “mobile telephones have been taken from the allied troops and internet access has been stopped for fear of giving away the position of British and US forces to Iraqi surveillance equipment”. Troops should have a right to communicate with their families and communities!

16 March 2003   »  Gardai » refusal to take pills

» Among the reports of the Global Women’s Strike events on 8 March, read about the protest against the use of Shannon airport (Ireland) by the US military where ”most rank and file Gardai (police) do not want to be doing this job at Shannon and don't want blood on their hands. The movement must act further on this - call on them to have another 'blue flu' and find ways to address soldiers and their families in the army as well.”  See more

»  In The Observer, more about soldiers’ life in the Gulf: “British soldiers were issued with pills to take in the event of biological attack. They already have special suits, lined with carbon, that will protect against nuclear radiation. Many have already had three anthrax jabs. Some soldiers have refused.” Read the whole article.

»  Have you received an email or a letter from a relative in the troops? Pass it on to this website and let the truth come out!

12 March 2003   »  disobey illegal orders


Global Women's Strike's anti-war picket in front of Parliament in London

»  Without UN backing the war is illegal. Could soldiers be prosecuted for war crimes after the war? This is the opinion expressed by a participant during one of the weekly women's anti-war picket in London.  

“A number of important lawyers are coming out saying that if the UK goes to war without a second resolution, the war is illegal and they can be taken to the International Criminal Court which was open yesterday in whole pomp and circumstance. And who is liable to be put on trial as a war criminal? Not the US, which do not recognise the court, but yes Tony Blair, but not just him - it's everyone down to the last soldier.  The Nuremberg trial against the Nazis at the end of World War Two established that it is a soldier's DUTY – a soldier's DUTY - to disobey illegal orders.  Kofi Annan confirmed it yesterday opening the International Criminal Court.” See more

8 March 2003   » Global Women’s Strike » soldiers’ conditions

» Payday send a message to the troops on a banner at the events of the Global Women's Strike in London and Philadelphia.

See men's support in many countries


» A report on Channel 5 TV in Britain shows letters from UK troops in the Gulf describing the horrible conditions the troops have to live in. No wonder so many reservists have refused to serve! 

The Americans have it sussed, air con, proper kit, proper food, etc…We have no ammunition, no deserts combats, body armour or accommodation, most of us have spent about £500 (US$750) on our own kit.”


We are surrounded by oil refineries, everyone keeps having really bad headaches and nose bleeds. I have never known the army to be so unprepared.
More letters…

 (Channel 5 – UK 8 March 2003)