#MeTooMilitary Stand Down at the Pentagon

Join fellow service women, veterans and supporters on
Monday, Jan. 8, 2018, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., outside the Pentagon Metro
Station in Arlington, VA for a #MeTooMilitary Stand Down. Service women
and men, veterans and all supporters and allies are invited to tell
their stories and raise awareness about the sexual assault and
harassment epidemic in the military.
The following participating organizations are joining SWAN for the Stand
• Protect Our Defenders
• Vietnam Veterans of America Women Veterans Comittee
• The Military Law Task Force of The National Lawyers Guild
• Common Defense
As the #MeToo movement has swept other industries in the country, and
powerful men who used their status to abuse subordinates are being held
accountable for their actions, we believe it is time for our voices to
be heard and for the #MeToo reckoning to come to the military.
When: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Monday, Jan. 8, 2018
Where: Pentagon Metro Station, 2 S Rotary Rd., Arlington, VA 22202
Who: All are welcome; service women, women veterans, our supporters and
allies. If you support our troops and want to see the military brass be
held accountable for their failures and complicity when it comes to
sexual assault and harassment in the military, join us.
RSVP Register at our Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/metoomilitary-stand-down-tickets-41494999661
and see more details at our Facebook Event page.
If you cannot participate but would like to be represented, please send
an email with a short message that you would like someone to carry on
your behalf: Your name, a tag line or a few words of support. We will
put them on a sign or banner that volunteers will carry during the Stand
Down. Email your short message to info@servicewomen.org, Subject line: #MeTooMilitary
For any questions email info@servicewomen.org.
Join Us. United, We Are a Powerful Voice For Change!