Prison is no place for this disabled man
The Guardian, Sunday 9 September 2012
Will the
Paralympics help challenge the daily pain and discrimination millions of
disabled people have to contend with? Or will the celebrated sporting
achievement of some be used to hide the fate of those considered less
worthy? In his excellent article about the neglect of ill and disabled
people in prison (Comment is free, 5 September), Eric Allison describes
as "the worst I have ever come across" the suffering of Daniel Roque
Hall, a severely disabled 30-year-old man with complex healthcare needs.
Despite assurances by the governor of Wormwood Scrubs that it could and
would provide him adequate care, he has been in and out of hospital
since he was taken to prison, and has ended up on life support.
Daniel Roque Hall's mother describes what he has faced: "Tortured and
taken to doctors to be saved so he can be taken back to prison and
tortured again." This has been raised with the prisons minister and the
Equality and Human Rights Commission. To save his life, his mother and
friends have had to fight through the censorship, the callousness and
the political opportunism that demonise prisoners.
No Paralympic medals can make up for the fact that those who are most
vulnerable are being denied their dignity and their rights. People with
disabilities, also demonised as a precursor to being targeted for savage
cuts and hate crimes, are already fighting for their lives. As Allison
makes clear, no one is more vulnerable than a severely disabled
prisoner. If care institutions, be they hospitals, prisons, or
residential or retirement homes, are able to neglect, torture and even
kill with impunity, then none of us is ever safe. To send Daniel Roque
Hall back to prison would amount to cruel and degrading punishment and a
death sentence. He must be allowed to serve his sentence at home.
Niki Adams Legal Action for Women
Emily Burnham Non-practising solicitor
Peter Chappell Homeopath
Claudio Chipana Member, Latin American Recognition Campaign (LARC)
Lord Dholakia
Niamh Eastwood Release
Lisa Egan
Joan Faber Religious Sister
Tara Flood
Diane Frazer Psychotherapist
Claire Glasman WinVisible (women with visible and invisible
Professor Paul Higgs Sociology of Ageing, University College
John Hirst Prisoners' rights advocate
Selma James International Wages for Housework Campaign
Anver Jeevanjee Retired immigration judge
Lord Judd
Michael Kalmanovitz Payday men's network
Bruce Kent
Flo Krause Barrister
Nina Lopez Global Women's Strike
Ian Macdonald QC
Daniel Machover Solicitor
Baroness Masham of Ilton
Francesca Martinez Comedian and writer
Anna Mazzola Solicitor
John McArdle Black Triangle Campaign
John McDonnell MP
Anne Neale Queer Strike
Robert Nind Progressing Prisoners Maintaining Innocence
Julie O'Keefe Occupational therapist in neuro-disability and
palliative care
Pat Onions
John O Miscarriages of Justice UK (MOJUK)
Angela Qasir School principal
Lord Ramsbotham
Lord Redesdale
Professor Graham Scambler Medical Sociology, University College
Professor Michael Thorndyke Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Baroness Wilkins
Benjamin Zephaniah