'A discussion on
12th February
6.30 for 7.00 start
Local East London Save Our NHS campaigns and others are sponsoring an evening conference on the crucial question of the right to speak out (see details below and flyer attached)
individuals have had their careers destroyed after raising concerns over
patient care. We are also seeing more instances of trade union reps
being similarly targeted for defending members and services. This
meeting will hear from NHS whistle blowers and from public service trade
union reps who have been through this experiences, and will consider how
to build a different open climate, in which such treatment of those who
speak out cannot stand.
BMA London regional council invites you to an event focused on the issue
of “Raising concerns and speaking out”. Dr. Kim Holt - Paediatrician, whistle blower and founder of Patients First, an organisation of health staff staff who have suffered reprisals for raising concerns, working to protect whistle blowers.
Tracey Boylin
- HR
director for an NHS Trust who was removed from her role when she tried
to stand up for bullied clinicians.
Julie Davies,
NUT branch Secretary, Haringey, suspended on charges related political
activity and organising members |