Whistle-blowers and the families of those abused
stand together to protest WEDNESDAY MARCH 22ND 2017 AT 12 NOON. Care
Quality Commission Head Office 151
Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 9SZ. (Five minute’s walk from
Victoria train/tube Station*) AGAINST ·
Care Quality
Commission’s David Behan being knighted for services to inspection, when so
many people have and continue to suffer and die. ·
whistle-blower Guardian that is failing Whistle-blowers and those whose lives
depend on someone speaking out. FOR ·
Edna’s Law to protect
ALL whistle-blowers from ALL sectors. ·
for All past injustice ·
Justice for ALL
Future Whistle-blowers. Stand with
those who stand up for us all Organised by Compassion
in Care and The Whistler *ACCES TO THE PROTEST Cross over Eccleston bridge Rd, up steps
into Colonnade Walk 151 Buckingham Palace Rd is a short walk on left. |