Support Jeremy Hinzman, US
refusenik claiming asylum in Canada
to the
Immigration & Refugee Board
+ See model letter
+ Sign
the on line petition
to support Jeremy Hinzman
+ Summary of his
to appeal Refugee Board decision
Renewed call for government to welcome U.S. war resisters
War Resisters Support Campaign, 24 March 2005
The Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) today rejected U.S. war resister
Jeremy Hinzman’s claim for refugee status in Canada. Hinzman and his
lawyer, Jeffry House, immediately announced that they would appeal the
decision to the Federal Court of Canada. “Jeremy has a very strong
refugee claim. Unfortunately the IRB refused to allow him to present a
crucial part of his case: the illegality of the US invasion of Iraq,”
said House. “We are confident that the Federal Court will correct this
and overrule the IRB decision.”
Speaking on behalf of the War Resisters Support Campaign, Lee Zaslofsky
expressed disappointment at the decision. “Of course we are
disappointed. The technicalities of the refugee process were allowed to
obscure the justice of Jeremy’s case. But we will continue to campaign
to get the Government of Canada to open our doors to all U.S. Iraq War
The War Resisters Support Campaign, which was launched in early 2003,
took the position from the beginning that U.S. war resisters should not
be sent back to face incarceration or even a possible death sentence for
refusing to participate in an illegal war. “Canada must not become an
enforcement arm of the U.S. military, handing over to certain punishment
courageous young men whose only offense was to follow Canada’s own
example,” said Carolyn Egan, a Campaign spokesperson.
Hinzman is the first of seven US war resisters who have applied for
refugee status in Canada. The others are still waiting for their
hearings to be scheduled. “Canadian law requires that each refugee
claim be considered on its own merits.” said House. “We will pursue
the other claims every bit as vigorously as Jeremy’s claim.”
“It seems like the Martin Government is dithering over what to do
about US war resisters who come to Canada. But this issue will not just
go away, and Mr. Martin should face up to the need to provide sanctuary
to them. It is simply wrong to leave them in limbo, facing either jail
terms or long term uncertainty. Pierre Trudeau was proud to offer access
to Canada as a “refuge from militarism” during the Vietnam War –
Paul Martin should do likewise for those who cannot in good conscience
take part in the Iraq War,” said Zaslofsky.
For further information:
Lee Zaslofsky 416 598 1222 or 416 369 0864
Carolyn Egan 416 806 7985
-- 416 598 1222
REFUSENIKS IN CANADA: Two new war resisters have
come to Canada, and are now receiving support from the Campaign.
Darrell, from Kentucky, served in Iraq; Cliff, from Arkansas, was about
to learn whether he would be sent there. We have found temporary housing
for both of them, and they will soon apply for refugee status. Two more
reasons to build momentum to Let Them Stay! The press
estimates that around 100 US soldiers have so far taken refuge in
What you can do:
1. Pass around the URL http://www.jeremyhinzman.net
to sympathetic parties
2. Contact Prime Minister Paul Martin, and Immigration Minister Joe
about Jeremy's case. (Please cc support@jeremyhinzman.net
on any correspondence)
Right Honourable Paul Martin
Prime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A2
Phone +1 613-941-6888 (between
8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.)
Fax +1 613-941-6900
Email pm@pm.gc.ca |
Joe Volpe
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Room 239, Confederation Bldg
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Phone +1 613-954-1064 (between 8:00
a.m. and 7:00 p.m.)
Fax +1 613-957-2688
Email Minister@cic.gc.ca |
Write letters of support
for Jeremy that we can publish on the site
4. Make
a donation to Jeremy's cause.
5. Download and distribute pamphlet. Available in colour
or black
and white.
to read:
Denies Refugee Status for U.S. Deserter 25
March 2005
Press coverage of Jeremy Hinzman
December 2004 hearing
December 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin,
16 December 2004
war objectors are seeking sanctuary in Canada:
What will be their fate?,
September 2004
Flight from the fight ,
April 13, 2004