Hello, my name is Robin
Long. I am serving out a 15 month sentence in the brig for
refusing to participate in the on-going occupation of Iraq. I have
been very vocal over the past few years against human injustices. I
have been contacted by and met many others that are doing the same.
We are all tired of hearing about the political cost of war or the
economic cost of war. The human cost is what's important! I couldn't
simply say "yes sir" and be a uniform following orders, even though
I had signed a contract. My conscience was telling what was right.
I knew my life would be changed forever and that nothing would be
easy. Things have not been easy but I'm still on good terms with my
conscience and I can sleep at night. I look back I and would have it
no other way. I hope that I can be an inspiration for others. I hope
that one day us humans can stop all these needless wars and
occupations. I pray we can transcend all this violence.
This war that's been raised on terrorism is a war on peace! Showing
terror prejudice and persecution to another culture and race in this
war will just ensure the next generation of terrorists!
No matter the color of our skin, white, brown, black, red, yellow we
still bleed red. No matter the religion, Jewish, Muslin, Christian,
Buddhist, we all have brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons,
daughters. No matter our language we all have tears, fears, and
smiles. I'm writing to you to say we are the same!
We may be a world away, but I love you! I understand! You are in my
thoughts and prayers! I know things are hard. I want to say thank
you for your righteous stand! You are amazing! Hang in there. I know
things are tough. But many more like you stand by your side.
You can write to me if you would like. I would really like that. You
are all brave!