Our Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has refused to meet the families of those killed in Iraq. He has not visited the many hundreds of soldiers wounded in his war nor attended any of the funerals of those killed. |
professional service men and women accept that death and injury are risks of
their job. That means they put their trust in the hands of their Government
to act with integrity and to be honest regarding the facts as to why they
must go. It is now clear that Tony Blair lied to the British people and its parliament. Together with George Bush he decided on war with Iraq when it was plain there were no weapons of mass destruction in that country. This was an illegal war based on lies. We are demanding a meeting with Tony Blair because we need an accounting for the reasons we were taken to war and the reasons why we have suffered so much. Iraq posed us no military threat. We are calling for the troops to be withdrawn. On Wednesday April 26 we are organising a lobby of MPs in parliament. Following the lobby we will be laying a wreath at the Cenotaph and delivering a petition to Downing Street. We are calling on other families and servicemen and women to join us to make it clear to Tony Blair that he cannot continue to ignore us. Please circulate this call as widely as possible. Peter Brierley Rose Gentle Pauline Hickey Reg Keys Susan Smith source: |