Support Peter Gichura asylum seeker under threat of deportation who’s bringing disability discrimination test case against Home Office & Kalyx

10am, Wednesday 23 May
High Court of Justice,
Strand, London WC2 
(Holborn or Charing Cross tube)

His legal team will oppose the deportation and
his supporters will be outside with placards.
Contact: tel/minicom: 020 7482 2496


. . . STOP PRESS . . .

On 21 May, Mr Gichura won an important victory which may set a precedent for all people with disabilities who were in detention or in prison before December 2006. 
The district judge at Central London County Court allowed his case against mistreatment by the Home Office and Kalyx (the private company that runs Harmondsworth detention centre), in February and August 2006, to proceed under the Human Rights Act.  The court also granted permission to appeal the decision which ruled out that the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) applied to his case.  

Mr Gichura is fighting not only for the right to stay in Britain
, but for the right to be present while his discrimination case is being heard.
  Peter Gichura must stay!   


Outside Central London County Court, 21 May 2007

Peter Gichura, father, wheelchair user and disability activist, is again threatened with imminent removal back to Kenya, where he faces political persecution, including death threats, and the loss of the medical treatment on which his life depends.   The County Court judge has just ruled that Mr Gichura’s case can proceed – but meanwhile, the Home Office is pressing ahead with deportation of the man who has taken them to court for discrimination.  On 23 May at the High Court, Mr Gichura's legal team will argue it is unjust for him to be returned to Kenya.

The Home Office claims that if he is sent back, Mr Gichura’s right to a fair hearing of his case won’t be jeopardised, and that he could pursue his civil action from Kenya -- despite having compelling medical and other expert evidence that he would not have access to treatment there, his life would be in danger, and the village he would return to lacks basic accessible living conditions.


Peter Gichura was detained twice in Harmondsworth in appalling conditions including: not being able to use the bathroom and toilet properly, suffering painful and threatening body searches and inadequate medical treatment, including being given the wrong medication.  Anne Owers, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, condemned the conditions at Harmondsworth as “the poorest report we have issued on an Immigration Removal Centre” (November 2006).

Mr Gichura's original application for asylum on grounds of political persecution as a disability activist was refused.  In 2006, when his spinal injury worsened, he applied for asylum for medical treatment without which he would die.  Expert evidence from Rachel Hurst OBE (Disability Awareness in Action), a member of the Advisory Group to the government Office for Disability, confirming this, has been ignored.  Many other people seeking asylum face a similar fate as Mr Gichura, and others have already been sent back, because of a High Court ruling that removal does not contravene Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights -- the right not to be subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment.

In a similar case, recent press coverage has highlighted the plight of a couple who face a rapid deterioration in their health and death, if they were deported, because the medical treatment they need (for HIV) would not be available and their young son would become an orphan (Independent, 4 April 2007).

In March, Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights condemned as unacceptable, “the deliberate use of inhumane treatment” in asylum policy and found that, “Asylum seekers as a group do not always get the greatest sympathy from society or the media, but what we have seen and heard provides very hard evidence of appalling treatment that no human being should suffer."

Also in March, Anne McGuire, Minister for Disabled People, signed the UK government up to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in all areas of life, including access to justice and the right to health services.  But the Home Office is going against the Convention by continuing High Court proceedings to send Mr Gichura back to Kenya.

Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, writing in support of Mr Gichura, said: “I would underline the wider social consequences of handling cases like these in ways that entrench . . . a perception that the UK immigration regime is unbalanced, unjust and inhumane.  I recall . . .the European Convention on Human Rights, “Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law.”  He proposes discussion with the Home Office “to find some more humane middle ground” than the current refusal of medical grounds (Letter to Liam Byrne, 12 October 2006).

Claire Glasman, from WinVisible (women with visible and invisible disabilities):

“People with disabilities have not only the right to life but also the right to live free from fear.  We are calling on everyone, and especially those who speak for the disability community, to defend Peter Gichura’s right to anti-discrimination protection and safety. A victory in his case would help establish rights and protections for all, including disabled people in immigration detention centres and prisons before December 2006.”

WinVisible and Payday men’s network are also asking people to write to or email the Immigration Minister Liam Byrne, demanding that Peter Gichura (HO ref: G1053958) be granted the right to stay.

WinVisible (women with visible and invisible disabilities)
Tel 020 7482 2496 (voice/minicom)

Payday, a network of men working with the Global Women’s Strike
Tel 020 7209 4751 mobile 07803 789699