Lauterbach Allowed to be Raped and Murdered Re-Ignites Demand
and Urgency In Calling For STAAAMP’s Independent
Agency of Military Crimes:
Press Release, January 18,
From STAAAMP, Survivors Take Action Against Abuse by Military
STAAAMP, Survivor Take Action Against Abuse by Military Personnel,
Executive Director and former US military Commander, Rev. Dorothy
Mackey has been watching and accurately anticipating the spin
doctor’s of the Marine Corps throughout this horrific case. The
rape of Lance Cpl Lauterbach, and failure by command to protect her
began from the beginning. Luaterbach’s strength to pursue the rape
charges in a courts martial was surely not liked by command
leadership even to DC. Rev Mackey noted, having 7 years of military
command experience, serving 5700 cases and having challenged this
system herself she speaks from a level of unique experience.
Military abuse survivors “know as Lauterbach stood firm in her
charges the gang mentality (keying her car, terrorizing her) was
whirling and the leadership was most likely not happy as Lauterbach
was moving forward with her case, in a wink and a nod (as seen in
Army Aberdeen Rape Scandal undue command influence) middle and
senior leadership looked the other way or gave notice for lower
ranking “to handle it” meaning Lauterbach case was most likely would
never come to trial. This case is too much of a recruiting snafu and
“these types of Marines who are wide spread throughout” the Few Good
Marine’s Corps will do whatever it takes to protect their twisted
meaning of Semper FI.”
Mackey states, “this case has as many holes in its’ flawed time line
as a spaghetti strainer.” Yet, Mackey notes here are some real
issues which beg to be repeated: The Marine Corps and all military
services don’t care to get the VIOLENT nature of rape and
catastrophic damage that rape does to the individual.
As in many of these cases, not ONLY did the military say that
Lauterbach’s rape was not violent, therefore the command had no
need for serious concern! This statement alone demonstrates the
Marine Corps and military allegiance to ignore VIOLENT crimes
that led to her death. This authentic dismissal of criminal law
and protection for victims is occurring due to the use since
1970’s of the Pentagon’s and military criminally flawed McDowell
Rape Checklist by military criminal investigators which
dismisses rape victims claims and evidence and fears for their
life within the services.
Receiving calls from survivors of military abuse reminded of the
implied and verbal death threats most of her clientele have
received while in service for speaking out about their own
Immediate concern must be shown for the young female Marine who
helped to process a protective order for Lauterbach, and who
publicly countered Marine’s claims that Lauterbach was not in
fear. By this young female Marine for stating Lauterbach “was
terrified” makes her a marked soldier, the Marine command knows
who she is, and she needs placed in protective custody away from
the Marines for her own safety from the Marine’s, to include not
sending her into the war zone.
Mackey speaking on command experience perspective: stated
Laurean and Lauterbach for the “integrity of the investigation”
should of and could have received a 24 hour escorts, this is
common place, ensuring
Lauterbach was not harassed by the gang mentality which is
very widely know and experienced on military bases and
posts, and
Laurean would have not been able to communicate to his
Marine Corps buddies etc to take matters into their/his own
The absence of the Marine command not suggesting immediately to
Laurean to seek Area Defense Counsel after Lauterbach stated she
had been raped is unheard of, bizarre at best, but demonstrates
command incompetence and or dereliction of duty (at least) by
the command structure.
A commander if competent is required to protect both parties as
well as the interests of the military, without hiding the truth
and impacting justice!”
Questions the time line in part and potentially in whole put out
by the Marine Corps leadership as of January 15, 2008. Mackey
find that as a commander of 7 years and having been involved
with thousands of cases jointly dealt with in the military and
out of the military including legal, military police, and
command leadership that young troops often accused of serious
crimes are not aware and must be told to seek legal council
(ADC, Area Defense Council) immediately without talking to
anyone else.
Military personnel are told to get ADC advise because it is
not within their experience to know these things, and yet it
is very odd that Laurean had the rare and presence of mind
to search out and finance the hiring of a civilian attorney,
and now three attorneys to represent Lauren.
These are extra-ordinary happenings for any military case
considering Lauren’s rank!
While it maybe conjuncture on the part of Rev. Mackey, she feels
Lauren’s wife trained to be loyal to the Marines Corps may have
told the leadership sooner not later (as published reports note
24 hours) of the serious heinous nature of the murder, cover-up,
number of Marine’s involved and burning (BBQ) over Cpl
Luaterbach’s body.
“This time line must be challenged!” Just the shift of WHEN the
Marine leadership knew the heinous and real facts of the murder
from Lauren’s wife makes the current Marine’s news releases more
believable that Laurean’s wife told sooner, and the Marine Corps
is posturing to protect itself. It feels like the Marine are
continually trying to create a support story to boaster bogus
timelines and facts.
Mackey speculates that the Marine Corps rushed Lauren’s wife
back onto active duty to limit public access to her, and feels
any public photo’s of the wife that are available are oddly
fuzzy and unclear. (the Marine Corps is mandated as all services
to have for security reasons clear photos identifications of all
personnel). It is curious then why no one has a clear picture of
Lauren’s wife. Is it that Lauren’s wife, not Lauterbach bought
the bus ticket?
Additionally, IF Lauren’s wife informing the Marine’s
immediately of the heinous nature of this crime: involvement of
other Marines in Lauterbach’s actual death, cover up through
cleaning and painting the house, purchasing of burning
materials, dismemberment and burning (BBQ) of Lauterbach’s
body. There very well could be more that the Marine’s are
really protecting.
America this is our wake up call or how many more rape and murder
victims (Mother and Child) do we have to see? Military rape victims
now know that their body through rape is not just at risk but their
very lives are at risk! Mackey has long been praying and speaking
quietly to organization insiders that she hoped this day and case of
Lauterbach would never come but since the US military and government
would not heed the advise this outcome was fast coming. She already
anticipates what is going through military rape victims minds who
already know their commands don’t care, won’t prosecuted their
rapists and now their lives really are worth nothing as the Marine’s
deny all responsibility in their blunders that led to Lauterbach’s
Washington D.C. and Military Involvement:
America’s military sons and daughter now understand that even on a
US military bases and posts regardless of the “violence level” of
the crime of rape, these survivors have been at risk and fighting
for their very lives. Mackey, stated that calls she has received
from survivors keep stating the same thing, “that could have been
me, it almost was me.” This is a call to action that no man or
women in the military service is safe from command leadership who
have failed to prosecute fully crimes, who have been tainted by the
Pentagon’s McDowell Rape Checklist! Mackey met Dr. David Chu in
April, 2007 in D.C noted Dr. Chu heads the military rape crisis
program, told her she didn’t know what she was speaking of when
Mackey told him of the 5 immunity laws of protecting military
rapists, abusers, murders and command leadership from
accountability! Mackey shared the 5 immunity laws and the 5
military women’s cases that went before the US Supreme Court, Chu
told her again she didn’t know what she was speaking of. Mackey
shared the 5 immunity laws and the 5 military women’s cases that
went before the US Supreme Court, Chu told her again she didn’t know
what she was speaking of. Mackey is one of 2 remaining military
women alive; the other 3 were killed after reporting their abuses in
the military, just like Lauterbach. Refusal by Washington insiders
like Dr. Chu and top brass allow military to continue to be raped,
abused and murdered, it is time to prosecute McDowell for his
involvement of supporting military rape, abuse and murder which is
responsible for Lauterbach’s rape and death.
Real Change and Action A Workable Solution:
These and the hundreds of thousands rape survivors who never got
justice as well as Corporal Lauterbach’s case demonstrates the
significant reasons why America now needs to demand for an
Independent Investigative Agency (IIA) be set up for the safety,
well being, and protection of victims of military and federal
crimes, as well as the impeccable criminal investigation of federal
employees, subcontractors and military. Crimes such as rape,
domestic abuse, and murder of military, employees, spouses, children
of military and civilians will be investigated and supported in the
IIA. This agency must be overseen not by mouth pieces of the
military but run by military survivor advocates who are fully aware
of the maze of military bureaucracy, double talk, and deception
tactics rather then making the military more internally safe,
honorable and increase a greater and much needed level of trust of
the senior leadership. It would be fully staffed and supported by
impeccable law enforcement, criminal investigators, medical
personnel, counselor’s specialists who are dedicated to honesty and
impeccable integrity rather then spinning the truth! STAAAMP have
long time advocated for this process for objective, fair and due
diligence in finding, seeking and getting justice. This is the least
we can do in the thousands of cases ignored, denied by military
“just-us” system and will be a standing long lasting dedication in
memory of Lance Cpl Marie Lauterbach and her son, Gabriel.
Contact Information:
Rev. Dorothy Mackey, Exec Director STAAAMP
Phoenix: 602.374.7375