REFUSING TO KILL IS NOT A CRIME US Army Specialist Agustín Aguayo is facing court-martial on March 6th, and a possible seven-year sentence, in the US base at Würzburg, Germany, for refusing a second deployment to Iraq. Mr Aguayo declared: "It is wrong to destroy life, it is wrong to use war, it is immoral, and I can no longer go down this path." Mr Aguayo faces charges of desertion and missing a troop movement. His application for status as a conscientious objector was denied, and he went absent without leave in September 2006 after being ordered to return to Iraq.
Lt Watada, in his historic speech at the Vets for Peace national convention in August 2006, said: “To stop an illegal and unjust war, the soldiers can choose to stop fighting it....Convince them that no matter how long they sit in prison… their families will have a roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, opportunities and education.” He and Carolyn Ho (his mother) are urging support for Agustín Aguayo and his family and for Mark Wilkerson, sentenced to seven months in prison last week. Agustín and Mark join the international army of refuseniks which is growing from Israel to Turkey, from Greece to the UK, and is a spearhead of the anti-war movement. So far there will be rallies and fundraisers in Rome, Berlin, Mannheim and Würzburg in support of the Aguayos. In London, Payday and the Global Women’s Strike have a support picket on March 6.
Women’s Strike and Payday men’s network |